My Color Results are in: I’m a….


My Color Results are in: I’m a….

Clear Winter, baby!

When I turned 30, I took a plunge. It’s not exactly a huge plunge, but after having 3 kids I started getting tired of looking well, tired. I had been following Created Colorful for a few years because the idea of “getting your colors done” intrigued me. I’m no art student, but color theory and the science and psychology behind colors has always been a fascinating subject for me. I thought why the heck not? Let’s get my colors done.

Guys, what started as a treat yo’self birthday present to myself became something deeper, practical, and surprisingly a little emotional too. This color consult brought up a lot.

A reflection of mine these past few months was how can I live more joyfully through Christ? Most days I feel like crap, have so much crap to do, and really, I look like crap on top of it. Most days I think I manage well even though it feels like life is going come crashing down on me at any second. I don’t know how my husband and I do it most days. But this is not the witness to good news that I want to portray. It looks like bad news to be quite honest.

I figured well, if I start wearing colors that actually flattered me and brightened me up maybe I’ll feel brighter inside too? For instance, if a morning started out absolutely horrible and had no time to “primp” myself up, if I threw on a color that was made for me wouldn’t I already make a choice to choose joy despite my initial feelings? Wouldn’t I actually look joyful too? Okay, this may sound cryptic and nonsensical, but in my head, this makes sense.

And oh, the freedom of not wondering if clothes look good on me when I go shopping. The freer mornings of just grabbing clothes that I know already look good together and great on me. The freedom of not wasting money on clothes that aren’t “quite right” and actually may make me look ill. And oh my gosh, the freedom to not live by what is trendy. The advantages of color analysis were absolutely hitting all of the marks.

My experience with Created Colorful was wonderful. The staff that make the magic happen in front and behind the scenes can make one feel so appreciated and empowered. I’m not used to such encouragement and cheerleading it almost made me blush behind my computer. But the process was easy and seamless and quite anticipatory actually if you can believe.

After snapping and sending a few pics of myself with various colors, I waited. I had an inkling of what season I was in (winter) but hadn’t been able to narrow down to a specific family within that season. Upon receiving my colors via email I was still shocked even though I kind of new the answer already.

Guys, Clear Winter is bright. It. Is. Bright. Think highlighter yellow, fuschia, Barbie pink, Hot-Tamale red, Cinderella blue, bright jewel tones, royal blue, gunmetal silver,

I am a classic black on black on black girl. I love me some black. However, I think I have intentionally avoided color because – one, it is so much easier to make an outfit when everything is the same, two, I look great in black (remember I’m a winter) and three, I like not being seen. Sad I know. But I realized that I only like people seeing the positive parts of me and not the negative. I liked controlling how people saw me (pride). You can’t hide the positive or the negative when you wear *bright* colors. You get it all, you see it all.

That was a hard realization for me. But it became a call in itself – this girl needs more humility. Pride can be very sneaky. I feel better with the idea of wearing more color in my life if it means giving myself permission to mess up more, to not be perfect, to forgive myself (and others more), and let Jesus be the light that shines through me and bring all the negative parts of me to him even more. It gets tiring to live in hiding, wouldn’t you agree?

There is still a discomfort dipping my toes wearing new *bright* colors. I love the colors themselves and I do think the colors look great on me and I can see “me”, it’s just all so new. I don’t expect myself to just get rid of my entire wardrobe and start new. But it will all be baby steps as I emerge from the postpartum baby grunge phase of having my 3rd just a year old.

While I don’t think everyone needs to do a color analysis, I do think it’s a great way to clear out the physical and the metaphorical inner soul closet. It makes you face physical and emotional challenges that have been hugely ignored but in a gentle, fun, joyful, and encouraging way. There is no shame in trying something new like this and the results themselves are nothing but positive. We are all made uniquely and have unique stories. Color analysis is the perfect way to animate and illuminate our human, beautiful, and unique story.

You’ll probably see your girl experimenting more with her wardrobe from now on, maybe I’ll share more of my experiences here or Instagram. We’ll see. But have you had a color analysis done? What season are you? What was the experience like for you? What have you learned? I want to know!

— Kelsey

P.S. Here is a sneak peak of me in my best and not so good colors. Maybe I’ll post more in-depth of what bright winter is!


Post-Baby Style Inspo