Post-Baby Style Inspo


New body who ‘dis?

Third time having a baby I should have dressing & styling my changing body down by now — the pre-pregnancy body, the pregnancy body, the post-pregnancy body, the post-post-pregnancy body. The same cycle three times! But sadly no, I think with each kid my body changed a little more. It became little wider, a little looser, and little squishier. With all the life adjustments and demands of being a mom to a growing family I never quite got the dressing myself well part. Practical? Yes. Beautiful and joyful? Hmmmm no.

However! I do believe God has perfect timing and now I am at the point in my life where I want to dive into fashion and style that brings me joy. With this mind, I adventured into Pinterest-land and got to pinning. I had a lot of fun, noticed a lot of patterns of things I am attracted to, and thought I’d share with you because why not?


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No-Fuss Chic, Modest but Free

My first approach to looking at outfits that I liked were looking at shape. I find that I love long, soft lines with a few angles here and there. I’m really into these looks that seems polished, put-together and not-fussy. Is non-fussy chic a thing? Ha. It’s seems to me that that flow and movement is a plus and a minimal amount of skin exposure is a plus plus. I don’t want to “fall out” of my clothes, if you know what I mean.

I’m super into the pops of bold color and variety in texture of fabrics. It can give a minimal outfit some personality, intrigue, and stir curiosity without putting it all out there or being too sterile.

I haven’t really tried incorporating big graphic tee and sweatshirts into my closet. I am open to trying just because it looks so easy and comfortable. However, I think you really have to commit to what’s on your graphic tee if you are going to don it. Like you’d have to be a biggggg fan of the artist, brand, or slogan across your chest. I’m not really into that. If you have any tips on how to make this work, let me know!


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Sassy, Undone-ness

Give me some sassy boots, a flowy v-neck top, maybe a little denim and I am happy camper. I don’t know why I love boots. I live in a really warm part of California so I don’t get much opportunity to have fun with them. There is a practicalness to them, at least some of them. I like that it can enhance or juxtapose a tone of an outfit. But really though, I want to dance and walk tall with them on. Can you blame me?

For the outfits that are more “formal” or seem more done up in this board, they don’t even look that done up to me. The lack of accessories is great. I love the un-doneness. The focus becomes more on the movement of the body enhanced by the shape and flow of the fabric. The person to me becomes the focus. I like that. I think as a person I want to appear approachable and not like a delicate dress up doll. Style may be related to fashion but I don’t want fashion to be my style. Does that make sense?


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Give Me a Midi

It seems to me if I could wear midi skirts or dresses as first choice, I would. However, my lifestyle in the trenches with three wonderfully rambunctious boys, dresses and skirts are completely impractical and may be a hindrance to my vocation to them. At least for now. I mean, you can’t really roll around on the floor with a skirt or jump on a trampoline. Well you can, but should you?

Additionally, I really like not worrying about snot, food, and other gross kid-related goo on my clothes. Mess up my leggings all you want boys! But to me, this is a sign that midi skirts do bring me a significant amount of joy. Possibly comfort as well because sometimes pants and jeans just hit all the wrong places I’m trying to distract the eye from. No thank you post-baby mid-section. Maybe it’s a call to come up with a few outfits for those few special occasions, date nights, and Sunday church outfits.

With these skirts in particular, I love that they are feminine but not extremely feminine. The midi skirt understated, self-aware, reliable and with nothing to prove because it doesn’t need to. She sounds like a good girlfriend doesn’t she? I’d like to go grab a cappuccino with her. :)

Final Thoughts

It’s weird looking into style inspiration because I’m finding that ultimately it’s finding inspiration for the person I want to aspire to, not the solely aesthetics. Like dresses and skirts are beautiful but beyond the garment itself I want to be a person unashamed of my body and be full of light. I want my body to be a celebration of sorts. I don’t want to be constantly reminded of my fluctuating weight. Skinny jeans might do that for me. Or super body-con dresses. Or low-waisted pants. While looking good is a big part of this process for me, I want to feel good. I always think joy is contagious. If it starts at the type of clothes I put on my body then let’s go for it because getting dressed is something I have to do anyway. It helps I like beautiful things too.

In addition, I think style, in particular, can establish a set of values and beliefs. I think a good goal for me is to focus on my values when I start rebuilding my closet. Forget the trends, forget what may look good on someone else, and just go for it. I want to break fashion rules because as Christians we are called to live differently. It may sound superficial to combine spirituality with clothes, but what we put on our body matters. It’s a creed of sorts. By surrounding myself with clothes that uphold my values I can hopefully love myself a little bit deeper as God loves me so that I may give Him praise and love Him deeper too.

P.S. If you the an owner of one of these pictures please let me know so I can credit you. I’d love to share your work with others! Thanks :)


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